I’m an iron-sharpens-iron coach, advocate for Christian women prioritizing their connection to God’s Spirit in us, mental grit and physical health, spill-the-beans-podcast-host, speaker, writer, connector of like-minded people, forever student, ADD gifted :), wife, mom, dog rescuer, worships LOUDLY but can’t carry a tune, sushi/pizza/ice cream eating, introvert at heart!

Most of what I do ties back to honoring God's work in and through me by living and giving my unique gifts and purpose.  I want to equip you with the tools to develop a powerful spirit, strong mind, and a healthy body so you build audacious self belief and unapologetically reflect radical confidence in life and business.  

God gave me the words Kingdom Fit to describe who we get to BE in mind, body & Spirit so that we are best able to cultivate, steward & give the greatest potential of ALL He intends for us.  


Like A Good God Story? I've got a good one for ya =>

The Kingdom Fit Becoming HER Workshop Experience

Discover how to become the fullest expression of who God has called you to be in mind, body and Spirit (HER, your Kingdom Fit Identity). 

Side effect: getting and keeping the body you desire, feeling amazing naked & radiating radical authentic confidence that carries a powerful presence into every room. 

Learn How To;

💯 Transform Your Mind & Body With Simple Nutrition Strategies and Biblical Principles..

💯 Normalize being HER so that the thoughts, personal standards & habits required to sustain HER become as natural and nonnegotiable as brushing your teeth. (never backslide again)


Yes I want to Learn How To Become HER! (Click Here)

The 5 Day Kingdom Fit Challenge Experience

Discover How to Transform Your Body With Simple Nutrition Strategies and Biblical Principle.. no pills/products or giving up your favorite foods.. Even if You're Super Busy, Fighting Stubborn Menopause Belly Fat, or Have Tried Numerous Times Before!

YES! I Want to Join The Next 5 Day Challenge

50% Complete

Hey Sis!

This might be your last chance to grab this incredible kick start course for FREE before I start charging for it (it's that good!).  The average loss is 3-9 pounds in 7 days.  How great will that feel!?
Enter your information below and a new page will open to give you the details and opportunity to join us for FREE!  Note: By providing your information you are giving us permission to add you to our email list. You can unsubscribe at any time.  We do not give or sell your information.