Join The BEST Community Facebook™ Group In The World For Christian Women Who Want to Get In the Best Shape of Their Lives, But Need Simple and Effective Nutrition, Mindset and Self-care Strategies That Fit Their Ambitious Kingdom Focused Lifestyle...


Inside The Group, You'll Get Access To...
👉 FREE training  and strategies on how to effectively turn to God instead of food when you feel stressed or anxious so that food no longer stands between you and your ability to deepen your personal relationship with God, and access His peace, clarity, certainty
👉 How to catch the thoughts that no longer serve you and build thoughts that empower you. So that you shed limiting beliefs faster and expedite your journey to becoming HER (the next highest version of you who is ready and more than able to BE, DO, HAVE and GIVE all that God has meant for you.)
👉 How to lose weight for good without giving up your favorite foods or spending hours at a gym
And MORE!!
Hi! I am Coach Rebecca Tabbert, I've been helping women experience transformational results for 13 years!
I am excited to invite you into our FREE Kingdom Fit Community!

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